Sunday, April 10, 2011

Eating on a Budget

"I want to eat healthy, but it's so expensive"

This is a very common phrase and belief that we Americans have. Try hard to banish this from your thoughts. It may seem that buying healthy foods is more expensive, but the truth is, eating junk food for years will cost you significantly more in health care costs in the long run. And if you know enough tricks and are a smart shopper, you can buy healthy foods for a decent price. Here are some tips to lower your grocery bill.

1. Buy on Sale. I recently was at Safeway and asparagus was on sale for $.79 a pound. If anyone here likes this vegetable, you know that it usually runs $5 a pound. I bought a few pounds, and froze 80% of it. I can have asparagus with many of my meals for next few months, and it didn't break the bank. You can do this with chicken, fruit, vegetables, bread, etc.

2. Buy Canned or Frozen Produce. Often times I shop at Trader Joe's. They have very affordable prices. I bought a bag of frozen green beans and a can of pineapple for a combined price of $3.29. That's less than a latte at Starbucks.

3. Buy Local. Look online for farmers markets in your area. Food from local farms are usually less expensive plus you're supporting your community.

4. Rewards Cards. A lot of mainstream grocery stores offer rewards cards that give an extra discount or offer special prices on select items. They're not credit cards, they're free, and can save you 10-12% some times. I know Safeway and Shaws Supermarkets offer these. Check to see your grocery store does too.

If anyone else has some helpful tips on how to cut down grocery bill costs please post in the comments section!

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